1. Gambling Emperor Legend Zero Part 34
  2. Gambling Emperor Legend Zero Part 310
  3. Gambling Emperor Legend Zero Part 391

Story arc: Emperor Opponent: Keisuke Takahashi Team: Akagi RedSuns Mission: Go with Simulation 3 Course: Akagi Rule: Uphill Start: Standing Weather: Clear Time of day: Night. Ukai Zero saves three troubled teens from a Suicide Website, and together chooses to work as 'Robin Hoods' of society. However, one of Zero's friends are caught by an organization he got in trouble with, and Zero is forced to enter a gambling competition hosted by a rich, rotten old man who is looking for talented gamblers to be his rep player. FDA says it will work quickly to approve Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine for emergency use AP; 14-year-old painter Tyler Gordon paints Lebron cover for Time magazine. What did you mean by "more than 20 years have passed since the first chapter of Tomorrow’s Joe was serialized before I was born and more than 40 years have passed since I began translating this manga into English." Were you actually translating joe for 40 years, or did i misunderstand you?

Well. There's not much to say for my first fanfiction for ToAru Majutsu No Index apart from I love this series. i will incorporate some information from the novels in. In case the summary didn't explain it the main plotline of the story is the numerous investigations into the unknown Level 0 and how people discover who he is. Also, for those who already know who he is they will discover more about him and his 'unfortunate' life. As for Kamijou touma, i have elected for him to say 'Such misfortune' apart from 'Fukou Da' so some people will know what he si saying. After Fukiyose I plan to maybe focus on one of the Level 5's.

Can you guess?

Anyway, I hope you enjoy.

Disclaimer: I do not own ToAru Majtsu No Index and the characters in it. Such misfortune.

Accelerator. Misaka Mikoto. Not only were they two of Academy City's Level 5's but there was anything that connected them. An unknown Level 0. Discarding the Level 0 that defeated the Number 4, the unknown Level 0 had been the subject of two of the most outrageous rumours that circled Academy City. To think that that Level 0 had the ability to take down the Number 1 and 3! It was no wonder that residents of the massive City had gone to their own investigation into the matter but turning up nothing. It was almost as if the General Superintendent was sealing the information, protecting that very Level 0. That just posed the question: just how strong was he?

Fukiyose Seiri frowned as she passed students is the hallway of a Certain High School. They were talking about that Level 0 again. Although the rumours had died down right after the Number 1 was supposedly 'defeated' they were still the topic of many forums and gossip among the lively students.

There was quite a good reason for her frown. She had never put too much thought into the rumour but the more she heard, the more curious she became. And that annoyed Fukiyose. She had no time to investigate baseless rumours and besides, if such a Level 0 existed, Fukiyose doubted that she ever wanted to meet them, let alone interact with them.

She approached her classroom, the sounds of shouting coming from it. The voices were familiar, as was the topic of discussion.

'Idiot! There's no way I would pass up an opportunity to help a maid-in-training.' The voice was of one of the members of the Delta Force. 'The only reason you don't want to is because you already have Maika!'

'Wh-What!? Where does all this baseless rumours come from nya~?' came another. It was from the second member of the Delta Force. 'And besides! Helping out a lonesome girl across the street or any other form of troubled girl is fine with me! I don't to help a maid-in-training! It's that persistent attitude towards adversity that adds to the sex appeal of maids! Helping them reduces that appeal!' he pleaded.

Hurry to hear the conversation end, Fukiyose walked faster to the door of the classroom so that she didn't have to hear another person's input. Particularly the third member of the Delta Force. If he joined in the conversation would escalate out of control and she would have to resort to her 'Delta Force Restraining Technique'.

Strangely though there was no other input. She opened the door and saw the two members of the Delta Force arguing about the topic that they had just had.

One of them was a blue-haired boy wearing a dark-blue uniform that was buttoned up as well as dark-blue pants, his hair blue as well expect a lighter colour. Aogami Pierce.

The other was a blond-haired boy wearing sunglasses and the same uniform except it was unbuttoned, revealing a green Hawaiian type shirt underneath. Tsuchimikado Motoharu.

She glared at them and, just to make sure, walked over to check if there was only two. Indeed there was. She was both partly disappointed and relived.

Relieved as she did not have to deal with him, but partly disappointed as she had wanted to ask him something. If anyone knew about the mysterious Level 0 of the rumours, it would be the person who would probably have the bad luck to run into them. That left one person.

'Ah! Fukiyose-san!' said Aogami.'Tell us, would you offer to be a maid-in-training to see if Tsuchimikado here is right?'

Fukiyose twitched, one of her hands clenching into a fist. 'Care to repeat that?' she said eyeing Aogami.

Aogami held up his hands, sweating. 'Ah nononono.' He said. He immediately calmed down as soon as he realised that Fukiyose was not attacking them. Usually in these situations she did. But not today. Why so?

'So ah, is Fukiyose-san in a bad mood today nya~?' asked Tsuchimikado, realising the same thing.

She glared at the other boy and unclenched her fist. 'No, I just wanted to talk to Kamijou.' She said.

There was silence but it was shirt befire the two boys yelled loudly.

'That lucky bastard! Already penetrating through the 'Iron Wall Girl!' said Aogami with his head in his hands.

This statement brought the attention of all the other students.


'Kamijou broke through the defences of the Iron Wall Girl?'

'There's no help for humanity now!'

'Kamijou has dominated all of the female race!'

'Shut up!' yelled Fukiyose. 'There's no way I'd let that Kamijou get to me!'

'Then what business do you have with Kami-yan?'askd Tsuchimikado.

'Hmm?' she said. 'Well, I wanted to ask him about that Level 0. You know that one who defeated the Number 1 and 3. I thought that his bad luck might have made him run into that individual.' She said as she explained.

She was sure that it was just her imagination but she thought she saw Tsuchimikado's eyes darken underneath his sunglasses. She was about to ask him about it but Aogami spoke up first.

'Ah? That famous Level 0? And you want to talk about that Level 0 to the other famous Level 0? Well, I'd say that maybe Kami-yan has met them but I can't be sure.' Replied Aogami.

The classmates seemed to have the same conclusion that Fukiyose had. That this Kamijou would have met the famous Level 0. They were chatting amongst themselves about the encounter he must have had and how it had progressed. Maybe the famous Level 0 had taught that Kamijou a lesson?

'Say, where is that Kamijou anyway?' Fukiyose asked. 'Isn't he always here with you talking about this sort of pointless garbage?'

'Pointless garbage!?' protested Tsuchimikado. 'I'll have you know that maids-in-training is an important part of Japanese society and-'

He never finished as a cry of 'GYAAAAAAAAAH! SUCH MISFORTUUUUUUUUNE!' came from outside.

All of the occupants of the rooms eye's went to the window from where the scream had come from. Aogami, Tsuchimikado and Fukiyose's eyes drifted to outside. The scream had come from the swimming pool (yes they do have one. See Volume 6). One thing rose into everyone's eyes. What was going on?

The question was answered almost a second later as a figure ran from the area where the area was followed by another talker figure in a green sports jacket. The taller figure some of the students recognised as a teacher from the school, Yomikawa Aiho. Being a member of Anti-Skill it was not unusual to see her brandishing her famous anti-riot shield but strangely she was not wearing her Anti-Skill uniform.

That was not the figure that people had their eye on though. It was the figure that she was chasing. He had black, spiky hair and the same winter uniform that the other boys were wearing except he was wearing an orange shirt underneath. Kamijou Touma, the infamous Level 0.

'Ah. Well there's Kami-yan.' Said Aogami. Indeed, there he was being chased by a PE teacher. Of course there was no contest. Yomikawa caught up quickly and tackled the defenceless Kamijou to the ground with her shield.

She was talking to him but the students were too far away to hear what she was saying. But they heard the reply.

'THERE'S NO WAY I WOULD DO THAT TO KOMOE-SENSEI!' he yelled, causing almost everyone there to clench their fists. What had he done to their precious teacher?

Yomikawa beat down the unfortunate Kamijou but was stopped as turned back to the swimming pool area. Apparently someone had called her name. The students all looked back to where she was looking and saw their teacher, a short person of 135 cm, Tsukuyomi Komoe approach the two.

Now, normally there would be nothing wrong with this act but this was far from a normal situation. With Yomikawa pinning down Kamijou that said enough. But what added to it was the fact that Komoe-sensei had appeared from the swimming area wearing nothing but a towel.

She approached the two and Yomikawa looked surprised at Komoe's rash act while Kamijou had his face planted on the ground. When they thought he was looking up at them, Aogami and Tsuchimikado gave a little wave. Fukiyose responded by hitting them both over the head.

When apparently the explanation was over, Yomikawa got off Kamijou and he slowly stood up, rubbing the parts that must have hurt. Komoe approached her student and was saying something to him that caused him to look away sheepishly. Perhaps a lecture?

When it was over, Kamijou gave a bow and started to walk off to the main building, passing Komoe as he did. But before he could fully leave, Yomikawa's mouth started to move. Kamijou turned back around and nodded every now and then and it was not long before she turned around and beckoned Komoe to follow.

Komoe turned to Kamijou and said something and ran off. That was when it happened. Unbeknownst to Kamijou, he had been standing on the edge of the towel that Komoe-sensei was wearing. Being a large towel for a short person, it covered more of the ground than it did her. As such when she tried to leave, the part of the towel that Kamijou was standing on came off with ease.

Somehow, from the view of the students from Kamijou's classroom and surely the other classrooms was thankfully blocked by Kamijou's body in the way. Thankfully, Yomikawa's had yet to notice and the students could only guess Kamijou's expression. It was probably one of shock. As was Komoe's. As such she let out a scream that caused Yomikawa to turn around. There was no explanation needed. She dropped the riot shield and cracked her knuckles.

Unfortunately for Kamijou, he was unable to move, because if he did, Komoe's naked body would be only display for the school to see and the poor Kamijou had an affinity for protecting women. That though did not prevent them from beating him within an inch of his life.

'S-SUCH-' he started to say but never finished as Yomikawa punched Kamijou and ran off carrying Komoe-sensei.

Kamijou laid his head on his desk, a large fist-shaped bruise on his face. Apparently the nurse had refused to give him a bandage due to the fact of how he had embarrassed Komoe-sensei. As such he had to deal with having a stiff face for the entire lesson.

And during that lesson, the entire of his class, even Himegami which made him upset, glared at him and didn't really pay attention to the lesson. Not that Komoe-sensei minded. Each time she would address the class, her eyes unconsciously went to Kamijou and she looked away sharply thus losing her train of thought.

Then the bell for the end of class came and the students piled out of the classroom. Only a few select students stayed behind, namely the poor Kamijou and the curious Fukiyose.

'What were even doing at the pool Kamijou?' asked Fukiyose.

Kamijou shuddered. 'Komoe-sensei wanted me to help out with other teachers.' He filed out of the classroom and she followed. 'So I had to help Y-Yomikawa-sensei with cleaning the pool.' He stammered at her name. 'And then when Komoe-sensei came to check up on me and Y-Yomikawa-sensei she slipped on the wet floor. I caught her but her hand was slippery and she fell in. A misunderstanding occurred and then….you know.' Kamijou rubbed his face, anime tears running down his face.

They continued down the corridor, neither of them talking for a while. 'So….what does the Iron Wall Girl want from this mortally wounded Kamijou-san?' Kamijou asked.

Fukiyose looked at Kamijou and decided to get right to the point. 'I wanted to ask you about someone.'

Kamijou looked surprised. 'Umm…..OK?' he responded unsure of what she wanted to ask.

She was about to begin when she saw someone appear around the corner. 'K-Komoe-sensei?' she said surprised. She had hardly expected her to be here, especially after what had happened during the day. Fukiyose felt pissed just thinking about the incident.

Kamijou looked at the corner and stepped back, looking around for the fearsome Yomikawa. When he decided it was safe he bowed towards the small teacher.

'Sorry Komoe-sensei! It was an accident!' He said with his head lowered.

Komoe seemed more flustered than she should have. 'No, no Kamijou-chan! I-It's my fault. I didn't explain the situation to Yomikawa-sensei and then you got injured because of it. I apologise.' She bowed.

'Not at all sensei!' said the sorrowful Kamijou. 'I'm the one who didn't notice your towel and exposed you in front of nearly the whole school!'

The words dug into the teacher and she froze up on the spot. She didn't move for a little bit and when she did what looked to be a forced smile was on her lips and a blush on her face. 'A-Anyway Kamijou-chan!' she said and she reached into his dress pocket and pulled out a large square bandage. 'Please put this on that bruise! Sensei will feel guilty otherwise!'

Kamijou looked at the bandage and smiled. He took it and, using the sticky tape that was on it, put it on his face. 'Thank you sensei.' He said.

Komoe-sensei looked pleased and walked past both Kamijou and Fukiyose, humming to herself. The two students looked at her walk past and then, with Kamijou leading the way they came out of the school grounds. When they were, Kamijou continued their conversation.

'So who did you want to know about? I'll have you know that Tsuchimikado has a quite interesting relationship with Mai-' Before he could finish, Fukiyose interrupted him, restraining herself from her usual reaction of just outright violence.

'I don't want to know about Tsuchimikado. I won't think you'll know their name though.' She said continuing.

'OK. Who is it?' Kamijou asked. He was getting curious.

Just as Fukiyose was about to ask him Kamijou stopped. He shuddered, almost as if he feared the presence of a fierce predator. He was not far off. As Fukiyose looked behind them, she saw the figure of Yomikawa-sensei behind them. She was slowly approaching the two and with each step, Kamijou's face got paler and paler. There was no killing intent in the air but Kamijou had spent too much time with the innocent Index to know better. As such, Kamijou's brain went into a certain mode.

It was not until Yomikawa was a few feet away that Kamijou spoke to Fukiyose. 'We'll talk later OK?' he said and then took off at a run. Both girls looked in surprise at the fleeing boy and it was Yomikawa who reacted first.

'OI!' Where do you think you're going!?' But Kamijou was too far for her voice to be heard. 'Heh.' Said Yomikawa was an evil grin. 'Think you can escape?' She crouched down into a sprinting stance. 'I won't let you do that until you hear my apology!' She took off faster than Fukiyose could see and ran at an amazing speed.

'Ah.' Said Fukiyose. She realised a mistake that Kamijou had made. 'Where are we going to meet up?' she asked no-one.

Fukiyose walked through District 7 but could find nothing. No trace of Yomikawa-sensei or that Kamijou.

'Cheh.' She said. 'Just when I was being serious. Honestly, I can't think that Kamijou is serious about anything.' It annoyed her to a great degree the attitude that Kamijou showed her and everyone else. Always blaming his failures on his misfortune and never trying to improve. She hated that part of him but there was nothing she could do it. But then again, Kamijou was Kamijou because of that.

She rubbed her head. All this searching had made her tired. It was rush hour and soon it would be sunset. She decided that she should go back home and hopefully Kamijou would contact her tomorrow-

Wait no. That was unlikely. Tomorrow was the weekend. It was unlikely that all he would be doing was his own thing. She sighed. She suddenly felt the urge to say 'Such misfortune.'

She walked for a bit before reaching a crossing and she waited for the light to turn green, waiting among the other people. That's when she saw him. Kamijou Touma. He was sitting on a bench and looking overly-tired. Judging by how tired he looked, she would make it when the light turned green for pedestrians. Sure enough, that was the case and she stood over him.

'Kamijou! What were you doing?! I've been looking all over for you!' she said, displeased.

'F-Fukiyose-san?' he asked between pants. 'We split up nearly 2 hours ago.' He panted some more. 'How can you do so much running with those large breasts of yours?' His eyes widened as soon as he realised what he had said.

'Wai-!' he was about to say but couldn't as a strong force flung a fist into his stomach. He keeled over, clenching his stomach, groaning in pain. Many people looked in surprise at the scene but merely passed by.

Kamijou coughed as he regained his breath and looked up carefully at the Iron Wall Girl. 'What is it?' he asked. 'I've been running away from Yomikawa-sensei and managed to do so but I didn't really want to have to run into you.'

Fukiyose brushed some hair from her forehead. 'I didn't want to do so either but you still haven't answered my question.'

'Question?' Kamijou thought back to before they split up and indeed, Fukiyose had wanted to ask him something. 'OK. You wanted to know if I knew someone right? Well, who is it?'

Fukiyose nodded. 'Have you heard the Level 0 rumour?' she asked.

'Level…0 rumour?' asked Kamijou and tilted his head. It seemed he genuinely didn't know. Maybe she hadn't given enough information?

'Yeah. The one about that Level 0 who can defeat the Railgun and defeated Accelerator.' Answered Fukiyose.

Kamijou's eyes went wide. Fukiyose raised an eyebrow. So he did know them. 'Wh-What about them?' he asked.

'Oh nothing.' Said Fukiyose casually. 'I just wanted to know if you knew them and it turns out that you do. So they do exist.' Fukiyose put a thoughtful hand to her chin thinking of her next question, the rush hour traffic of people moving around her as she stood near Kamijou.

'Well then do you know-' started Fukiyose but Kamijou interrupted.

'Fukiyose.' Said Kamijou in a low voice. He was serious. His expression and tone told her that, especially since she had seen that expression of his once before. When she had collapsed during the Daihaseisai. She frowned. Was this a touchy subject with Kamijou?

He resumed talking. 'It'd be wise if you don't look too much further into this Level 0. Some people might not want you to find out who they are.' And with that Kamijou stood up and looked around. It was not long before he looked in a certain direction.

'My house is that way.' He said and started to walk away. Before he left he turned and looked sat Fukiyose. 'You better be careful who you ask about that rumour.' He said cryptically and walked away, Fukiyose watching as he disappeared in the crowd.

She sighed and rubbed her head. It was unusual to see Kamijou serious and Fukiyose wasn't really used to it. She turned in the opposite direction and headed home as well.

Unbeknownst to both Kamijou and Fukiyose, some unpleasant ears had caught a hold of their conversation. He was about the same age as the two people in the conversation but he hadn't liked the topic. The unknown Level 0 was something of a legend in Academy City as there were a couple of Level 0's who lived to protecting that Level 0's name. They weren't Skill-Out but they were just as dangerous. And one of those members had heard the entire thing. Shin Wataru looked back at the retreating Fukiyose.

'So, you are the one who threatens the Level 0's existence.' Shin looked back at the retreating Kamijou as well but shook his head. That girl's existence was much more dangerous.

Tomorrow, he would act. There were too many people today. Tomorrow, he would act.

And that's the end of this chapter. Each section focusing on one character will be split up into parts and yes, there will be some action in later parts of the story. This 'Fukiyose' arc will probably last for 2 or 3 parts but I can't be sure. Shin Wataru is my own OC and he is the antagonist for this arc.

As for me, I will sign out right about now.

Gambling emperor legend zero part 391

Gambling Emperor Legend Zero Part 34

Review, if you please


While all your friends rant and rave about all the ways The Rise of Skywalker back-peddled on various plot elements in The Last Jedi, it’s a good time to remember that the ninth episodic Star Wars movie also blatantly rewrites the ending of Return of the Jedi. And no, we’re not talking about ways to interpret the balance of the Force or the survival of Emperor Palpatine. We’re talking about the elephant in the galaxy: The destruction of the second Death Star above the forest moon of Endor.

Here’s why everything about the Death Star in The Rise of Skywalker makes little to no sense. Plus, sprinkled in along the way, a few ways we can do mind tricks on ourselves to make sense of it.

Spoilers ahead for Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker and you know, Return of the Jedi, too.

Right toward the end of the first hour of The Rise of Skywalker, after undergoing a memory wipe, C-3PO reveals the location of Emperor Palpatine’s hidden Sith Wayfinder:

“The Emperor’s Wayfinder is in the Imperial Vault at Delta 36-transient-936 bearing 3.2 on a moon in the Endor system. From the southern shore, only this blade tells.”
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Though Finn notes that the Endor system is “where the last war ended,” the ocean moon of Endor is not the same as forest moon of Endor from Return of the Jedi. Instead, both moons orbit the same larger planet. In real life, this would be like if we had a space station orbiting Saturn’s moon Titan, but after said hypothetical space station was destroyed, part of the wreckage ended up on a Mimas. Basically, a moon-like space station orbiting a real moon was destroyed and part of its wreckage ended up on a different neighboring moon in the same system.

Leaving the absurd physics of this aside (because really, let’s not start complaining about real space science in Star Wars) there’s only one problem with this…

The second Death Star totally asploded…

Yep, take a look at that scene from the climactic end of Return of the Jedi. Looks like the whole space station was vaporized. Plus, that extra ring-like shockwave (which is called a “Praxis” shockwave and was originally created by ILM for Star Trek VI) was added by George Lucas in the 1997 special edition of the film just so you really understood that the Death Star was reduced to nothing but random atoms.

However, for the sake of the plot of The Rise of Skywalker, we accept that, somehow, a huge chunk of the “top” off half this Death Star not only was relatively intact but that somehow the Sith were going to be able to predict exactly how the wreckage would end-up looking. The dagger Rey uses as a Goonies-style map to pinpoint the Wayfinder has a jagged blade that matches up perfectly with the outline of the Death Star, but how is that even possible?

This is a giant WTF. Assuming the Sith Dagger was made before the events of Return of the Jedi, it implies Palpatine (or one of his Sith cronies) was a soothsayer with a psychic version of Google maps. If the Sith Dagger was made after the Death Star was destroyed in Return of the Jedi it suggests the Emperor is smoking crack.

Couldn’t the erosion of the Death Star wreckage have caused that map-dagger to be inaccurate? In order for this to work, we have to accept that the Emperor was subtly controlling the weather patterns on the moon, to make sure that the wreckage (which shouldn’t exist) maintained its exact shape. Considering how obsessed the Emperor is with specific aesthetics (consider his second robe at the end of this movie) the motivation here is easy to buy, even if the execution is questionable.

But the existence of the Death Star wreckage and the role the Sith Dagger plays in finding the Wayfinder isn’t even the weirdest thing. The weirdest thing is clearly the fact that it’s even trickier to explain another essential plot detail connected to all of this.

Um… when did the Emperor build the secret Death Star room?

Okay, so C-3PO’s translation of the Sith Dagger says “the Imperial vault,” which might suggest that the Emperor threw his Wayfinder into a random safe, kind of like how Ewan McGregor hid a bunch of heroin money in a rented locker in Trainspotting. If “the Imperial vault” is just one of many Imperial Vaults, then it seems kind of weird that the Emperor just randomly chucked this very important map into a pre-fabricated vault that already existed on the Death Star.

It also suggests that the Emperor kept his Wayfinder on his person, at all times, which means, now, when you watch Return of the Jedi, you have to think about the fact that the Emperor probably has the Wayfinder hidden under his robe when he gets off his shuttle to meet with Vader on the Death Star. (Either that or one of the Emperor’s creepy buddies brought it to him, which seems unlikely.)

But, there are a few problems with this. This Death Star was under construction when the Emperor arrived. In fact, that was the whole reason he was there; to make sure everybody finished the project. Now, we could argue endlessly about whether or not this was the Emperor’s real intent — I.E. he lured the Rebels there, maybe he anticipated Vader’s betrayal, etc. — none of that changes the fact that this Death Star was, again, as stated, a work-in-progress.

Moff Jerjerrod, the dude who Vader bitches-out at the beginning of Return of the Jedi, clearly says he “needs more men” to complete the construction of the Death Star. Which, really makes you wonder: Did he need more men to also complete the construction of secret rooms?

When you get right down to it, when we see Sith Wayfinder in the Imperial Vault in the second Death Star, it doesn’t look like a random locker. It looks like a hidden room specifically constructed for the purpose of hiding a creepy compass.

Plus, the door to the room opens-up, seemingly specifically for Rey. When Kylo Ren found his Wayfinder, it turns out that one was hidden by Darth Vader. This suggests these Wayfinder lock-boxes are keyed to the DNA of the people trying to open them. So, in the case of Vader, the DNA of his grandson unlocked the box, and in the case of Palpatine, the DNA of his granddaughter unlocked the secret room.

This is fine because, as we know, the Emperor claims, many times in Return of the Jedi that “everything is going exactly as I have foreseen.” It’s just now we have to include, as an aside, in his mind, where he says: “My plans also include hiding this cool compass in this little room, just in case my granddaughter ever wants to find me.”

Just like maintaining the Death Star wreckage in its perfect blade-ready state, it’s possible to come up with an explanation for how this works, but those explanations require us to accept that Palpatine is like an evil version of God. (Or normal God.)

And we’re not even close to being done yet…

Ben Solo’s TIE Fighter shouldn’t exist and shouldn’t be able to get to Exegol

Okay, okay, so we’re cool with the Death Star only getting half exploded and falling onto an ocean moon, Palpatine building a secret room on the fly, smuggling his own Sith Wayfinder in his robe, hiding it in the second Death Star, and making sure the erosion on the Death Star wreckage continues to match-up with a dagger constructed by some chump. But, what about Ben Solo’s vintage TIE Fighter?

When Kylo Ren decides to turn to the good side of the Force and after having a mind-chat with a memory of his father, Han, the question of how he flies to Exegol is kind of weird. The next time we see him, he’s parking an old-school TIE Fighter right next to the old-school X-Wing that Rey borrowed from Luke Skywalker. This implies Ben found a TIE Fighter in the wreckage of the Death Star and flew it to Exegol.

But wait, TIE Fighters don’t have hyperdrives, so that’s kind of impossible. Maybe Exegol was just close enough that Ben could get there with his twin ion engines, since that’s what TIE Fighters are working with in terms of propulsion. In dorky SF parlance, a TIE Fighter is sublight, which means it doesn’t have an FTL drive of any kind.

Now, funnily enough, even though X-Wings do have hyperdrive, Rey was still able to fly Luke’s X-Wing without an astromech droid. That shouldn’t be possible either since astromechs do hyperspace calculations for you in the same way Han Solo used a computer to do that in A New Hope. But since Luke apparently flew that X-Wing to Ahch-to in the first place, sans R2-D2, we can let that slide. Still, Rey used hyperdrive to get out of that star system (recall, that planet was hard to find, too) and she probably used the Force and the Wayfinder to navigate.

So it’s fine if Ben Solo also used the Force to navigate hyperspace, but he didn’t have a hyperdrive. It’s not like he’s so great with the Force that he can now just warp himself across space without an engine. Unless, of course, he can, which, wow, that’s a real missed opportunity! Let’s see a movie about that!

Finally, and this is really nitpicky, but why were there even extra TIE Fighters lying around at all? Assuming the Death Star wasn’t finished in Return of the Jedi, it seems like they would have scrambled all the fighters they had to stop the Rebels in the battle of Endor. Sure, I guess the Empire could have had extra TIE Fighters, but you’re really telling me that not only did the Emperor’s Throne Room survive but also, a really conveniently stocked TIE Fighter launch bay is right there, too?

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If that’s true, the Emperor didn’t need to get into Sith magic to be successful. He and Kylo Ren should have hit the casino at Canto Bight. Because if you’re betting on dumb luck in Star Wars, it seems like you really should bet on the guys who wear black and talk about the Dark side. They’re much luckier than they are smart.

Gambling Emperor Legend Zero Part 391

The Rise of Skywalker is in theaters now. You can stream Return of the Jedi on Disney+.